Namely, the spell-checker and thesaurus are disabled. Trial version is valid during 30 days and offers limited features. It is also recommended by the developer that users uninstall the earlier versions of this program before you install the new one. You will need to install the new, or the trial one, in a different folder because once the trial version expires you will not be able to open your previous version of NoteTab. Be careful to read the installation instructions, especially if you have a previous version of the program installed. Installation requirements: Intel Pentium processor, or compatible, CPU 4MB, HD 64MB, RAM 32MB, 4 MB disk space. This may not be the cheapest application on the market, with a Pro version price of $39.95, but it is difficult to say what this powerful application cannot do. It offers a powerful spell checker and Thesaurus, numerous formatting options, bookmarking tools and templates, searches and multi-line replacements. NoteTab allows handling numerous large files in a convenient tab-based interface. NoteTab is a full-fledged Notepad alternative and a winner of multiple tech industry awards. Novice users will be able to master at least a couple of handy features, such as text editing and Thesaurus, or Clipboard. This tool is one of the favorite handy apps for webmasters and technically advanced users. NoteTab Pro combines text editor and HTML coding tool under one hood. " A powerful award-winning text and HTML editor"